from my keyboard.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

fucks and sticks.

just booked out today.and its a deciding how to spend my time is always such a conundrum.anyway, my course is body-ache inducing.hahah but hey atleast i feel slightly healthier.despite the marlboros.marlboro man huh?terrible.i will have to quit soon i think.but for now,its a good what did ya'll do this week?
was talking to some of my friends today and amongst the discussion i've solidly concluded that love and sex are more synonymous than marraige and sex.true,no?im quite sure about it i have sex pple...well not as casually as that sounds.but if you really love someone,bloody show them.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


my head hurts like an
heartache.and my throat burns like
the cigarettes
i burn.body broken
and brakes faulty;i crash.
but warriors
fight till the last bullet.
so i raise my red flag of hate
and spit grenades
like castro.

fault of jasmine the ex.

jasmine has managed to subtly put in my mind the idea that i am slowly degenerating.not only did she suggest i was becoming slow with my words but she also managed slot in the fact(or fiction) that my syntax was to prevent myself from turning into a brocolli, i've followed her advice and started this blog.
and thus ive justified my action.(it's all jasmine's fault.)