from my keyboard.

Friday, March 23, 2007


your eyes dilated, drowning in sea after sea without shore.
each breath, rough as sand,
slip through your nostrils but end at the noose you have
drawn around your fat neck.and this is your exit?
poetically sweet.a grand event.
but you are no more special,
no more mad than the baby who slept
next to are who you want to be.
you are.

Monday, March 19, 2007

hugs all around.

chairs and chairs of people
its a round table of knights
shiny shiny
masks that hide the inside
pass the gossip
pass the gossip!
we're all friends darling,
this knife will only scratch your back.
oh the food's done, its time for drinks.
pass the plastic cups please plastic people.
poison?no no!definitely not!we dont poison.
we're friends,we're kind;
we only stab from behind.