from my keyboard.

Friday, September 22, 2006

eulogy draft 1.

yes yes attention please.
this is a boy speaking.
volumes and volumes of wisdom
he spits.its like rain.over and over
through sunshine and starlight.
if only people listened.
he is not stupid.
hardly delusional.
lend a ear!lend a ear you ignorant bastards!
dont write him off like you wrote off the vietnamese.
he's part guerilla too.he can fight!he could kill...
i swear.

Monday, September 18, 2006


its so gloomy in my room.dark clouds outside that just wont pour.dark clouds outside that wont move on is funny like that.a finger stuck between jam and peanut butter.and it takes an eternity for a simple mind to decide.sometimes, a simple mind doesent have the option of choice either.then they call it fate.or something.some blasted thing that just happens,that drops you in the fucked situation.(like falling into no man's land in a sino-soviet border dispute.without UN forces to drag you out.) and believers will blame god.and atheists will blame themselves.