from my keyboard.

Monday, July 31, 2006


meet Exibit B(oyfading). Exhibit B fell in love with Exhibit A(ngel). Exhibit B then realized it wasnt love because Exhibit B fell out of it. Exhibit B then fell in love, fast and hard, with Exhibit G(ermany). Exhibit G however slept with Exibit F(uckin' arsehole). Exhibit B left Exhibit G but fell even deeper in love because love is a funny thing you cannot deduce, like logarithms. Exhibit G then flew away. Exhibit B tried to move on and showed amazing progress except maybe on drunken nights, which is pardonable. Exhibit B now is as close as glue to Exhibit A but knows that is beyond anything. bygones remain bygones. Exhibit B however might feel a flutter, like a butterfly flight, when Exhibit H(elicopter) comes into this storyline. But that too is beyond anything. Exibit B is OK nontheless. meet Exibit B.