from my keyboard.

Friday, March 30, 2007

the midwife is dead.

my mind pregnant
with Berlin, with Normandy, with
decades from decades ago.
if i could push.
if i could heave and scream
and push these stale stale stale
milestones out.
my rebirth; raw and bloody.
my life cord torn, independent of the past;
in-dependent of the stale stale stale
nutrients of yesterday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


it stings it stings, like ice if ice could burn.
the blood flood leaves the body weak.
if this was a finger pricked or a toe cut, i might stand.
but i crumple.its a vein!its an artery!cut like an apple;
bright red and fresh.

the body lies sleepless and stale.

Monday, March 26, 2007

medicate medicate.

this is a fever.
sweat like tiny ants
crawl down the spine.time chokes.
this is no fever in passing.or is it?
oh from fever to haemorrhage it passes.
i am unsure.
blood blood everywhere.
blood in my hair, blood in the air.
i am unsure but not unaware.
"Coward coward, you must move forward!"
but do i care?
i could sleep here, hiding beneath my thick
blanket of words.these words,
the womb to my feeble foetus.
i will spend a lifetime here,
i will be my own doctor.