from my keyboard.

Friday, September 01, 2006


i went to watch 'Tony Takitani' today. i read reviews about it and it seemed like something i might like.the japanese have an amazing ability to portray tranquility on screen and the movie, with its theme on loneliness, was so beautifully directed that i thoroughly enjoyed it.

" finally Tony Takitani was now really alone..." - from the movie.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


a lack of heart.
birthday cards he forgot.
unintentionally seemingly intentional.
he is compassionate only on sundays.
you see him cry at church.
he dosent hurt like you hurt.
does he does he?
still he would die for you and you would leave
him to...
your heart fluttering
in the dizzy heights of your new true love.
and you leave him only your halo.